Unexpected rain
6/16/2020 (Permalink)
June still seems to bring showers here in the Northwest, I feel this time of year is difficult us. We are patiently waiting for that summer sun and warmth to arrive. January thru April we have a lull ready to get past the cold bare winter. April rolls in and there is a light at the end of the tunnel, June rolls in and it is like a flat tire before you turn into the parking lot of Disneyland. So close yet so far away.
In Michigan May brought unexpected heavier rains. This came as a shock when not one but two of their dams faltered and caused a massive wave of water throughout Edenville. What used to be a lake with lake homes left baren mud flats, homeowners are devastated by the damage left. 11,000 residents were evacuated before the dam broke. 5,000 were without electricity.
Fun fact: Something I learned was this damage amongst many others in the USA are privately owned. I read 75% of the dams in America are privately owned and maintained.
Heavy rains can be unexpected even in this time of year, it is why we here at SERVPRO feel its pertinent to educate, help spread awareness and preparedness not just the heavy winter months but throughout the entire year.
If you have any questions on how to better be equipped for a large storm or disaster, we are happy to assist in your planning process. Our friendly staff are courteous and available to help you today.